educational activity

英 [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl ækˈtɪvəti] 美 [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl ækˈtɪvəti]

网络  教育活动; 教育活動


  1. Faculties carry out independently, or in cooperation with another organization, their basic, applied and development research which are in function of educational activity development.
  2. Collective mental educational activity mainly reflects the special topic activity and confluent activity.
  3. A typical educational activity of American Protestant missionaries in modem China is the running of missionary schools, which, as a particular cultural phenomenon in modem Chinese history, play a crucial role in promoting the modernization of Chinese higher education and the Sino-occidental cultural exchange.
  4. Educational metaphor is not only an important tool of thinking for people's understanding of the educational activity, but also the main method of educational narration.
  5. T.S. Eliot ′ s The Waste Land-An Incarnation of Modernism Collective mental educational activity mainly reflects the special topic activity and confluent activity.
  6. After participation of irregular educational activity such as Fourth Ring Play Group, great changes ares.
  7. Any educational activity has its aim.
  8. The field particularity plays an important part of revelation in educational activity.
  9. The theories of both main body of the teachers and the students lay stress on the characteristics of cognition in the educational activity in the traditional education. And they both demonstrate individual affirmed educational body and their characteristics. They both launched their exist value;
  10. As a special form of educational activity, moral education undoubtedly develops in the circumstances.
  11. Administrative system reform of higher education is a complex educational activity and relates to a lot of aspects.
  12. The Research on the Value and Context of Teacher's Reflection after the Educational Activity in the Kindergarten
  13. Every educational activity exercises a short-or long-term influence upon those being educated.
  14. Institutionalization of education refers to the standardization of educational activity and educational relationship.
  15. Self-education is a kind of highly-conscious educational activity, which the educational subject consciously conducts its activity of self-understanding and behavior according to the demands of social development.
  16. In the educational activity, the individuality of people and the developing of its function are the important dimensions when measuring the quality and level of modern education.
  17. Compared with traditional school education, school education, in the prospect of modern educational activity, has three basic characteristics: the initiative of student activity, the diversity and totality of school education.
  18. Discussion on the Function of Educational Activity in the Process of National Development
  19. It is the core of evaluations on Campus Education. For promoting the development of students is an essential pursuit of educational activity, the level and condition of students 'development naturally become the focus, to which educational.
  20. These three forms of activity compose the mental educational activity system together.
  21. School education is a kind of educational activity with purpose, aim and organization.
  22. These authorized theories for the rulers to take educational activity.
  23. The educational activity curriculum includes such types as educational theory study, educational arts study, educational skills training, educational practice, educational hidden curriculum and so on.
  24. Individual mental educational activity includes individual counsel seeking activity, self-education activity, net-work education activity.
  25. Group mental educational activity chiefly shows the mental training activity and mental adjustment activity.
  26. Preschool quality-oriented education is a kind of educational activity. It is on the basis of the requirements of social and human development.
  27. The life-based composition is both an educational activity and a teaching methodology of composition.
  28. Entrepreneurship education is an exploring educational activity, which enables educatees to innovate, develop or expand in the socioeconomic, cultural and political fields, and also provide opportunities to others and the society.
  29. Literature in educational activity has the features of linguistics, artistry, playfulness and humanity.
  30. Ideological and political education in itself is essentially an educational activity to cultivate person, create, improve and develop people, so human care is the part of ideological and political education.



  1. the activities of educating or instructing
    1. he received no formal education
    2. our instruction was carefully programmed
    3. good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded

    Synonym:    educationinstructionteachingpedagogydidactics